Our next "Lead With the Brain in Mind" seminar on the neuroscience of leadership is scheduled for 25 and 26 July and judging from the response to this announcement availability (30 participants) will run out soon.
We are currently living in the 4th Revolution – a strange and unpredictable time in human history where rapid change has literally become the only constant. As a result, many companies and organizations are struggling to deal with the new realities, such as the fact that the role of leaders have changed from the old "command-and-control" managers to skilled facilitators who are able to motivate, collaborate and engage people for optimum results. Against this background, the new insight now being provided by neuroscientific research could not have been more timely for leaders looking to improve their effectiveness and impact.
This groundbreaking two-day seminar helps leaders to understand basic neurological processes in our brains (e.g. how social "threats" and "rewards" can have a massive impact on our performance), showing them how this insight could be applied to boost their own performance as well as the performance of the people they lead. The seminar includes an introduction to basic neuroscience; a brief look at some emerging practical applications of neuroscience (e.g. education, law, marketing); and how to improve personal brain resilience. One of the core focuses is understanding the "SCARF-model" of social influence and learning how leaders can use this powerful instrument in practice to maximise their impact and influence.
Expected Outcomes:
- Realize the new leadership challenge;
- understand brain-based influence;
- lead to maximize performance;
- improved ability to collaborate;
- improved cultural competency;
- improved change leadership;
- improved conflict leadership; and
- build leadership resilience.
Picture: The last "Lead With the Brain in Mind" was held in Pretoria on May 23 and 24 and was a resounding success. Most participants - ranging in background from corporate leadership and entrepreneurs to coaches and leadership facilitators - agreed that understanding how to apply the principles of brain-orientated leadership has opened new possibilities in their respective leadership journeys.